Miliums or Milia are white, hard bumps that appear on the skin’s surface. They form when dead skin cells become trapped beneath the skin’s surface, resulting in tiny, firm cysts.
Milium is often an indication of unbalanced skin fat, which is caused by nutrition that lacks the ideal equilibrium between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fats. Most people’s diet includes too much Omega 6 (pro-inflammatory) and too little Omega 3 (anti-inflammatory). The result is an unbalanced skin as well as body fat, which is bad for our skin and the entire organism.
The gentle exfoliation of our Instant Liberation masque is a highly effective treatment for milium. Applying a thin layer for 3–4 weeks usually results in the gradual disappearance of the milia grains. However, if there is no change in nutrition, the milium is likely to return at some point.
Below, you’ll find an effective treatment for milium. For the rest of your face, select the skincare routine that best suits your skin type and condition.
Every evening, after your usual skincare routine, apply a thin layer of the masque Instant Liberation to the areas with milium. After a few weeks, the milium-affected skin will improve and the milium cysts start to disappear gradually.
1-2 times per week nourish and gently exfoliate the areas with milium skin with True Revelation.
It is essential to address the causes of milium and to balance your intake of Omega 3 and 6. The equilibrium of fats in your nutrition is highly important for your overall health and your skin health in particular. If no nutritional change is made, the milia are likely to reappear after some time.
The LE PURE skin analysis quiz assists you in identifying the ideal treatment for your skin. Based on your answers, we recommend the skincare routine that aligns best with your skin’s current condition.
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