Best Lifestyle and Skincare Habits for fall

Close-up of a thistle on the sand

Fall is a time of transition and contrasts, a bridge between the hot summer months and the cold winter. Abrupt temperature changes are normal during this season, making it crucial to take extra care of the skin. That is why we would like to share some tips with you to understand the needs of the skin and how you can adjust your habits and skincare for fall.

Integrative skincare combines treating your skin from the outside with the ideal skincare routine as well as from the inside. Our lifestyle in the fall affects our nutrition, exercise and socialising habits, so looking at them is crucial to prepare the body and our skin for the colder months.

How the Weather can Cause Skin Damage

Frequent abrupt changes in weather can damage the skin. As the temperatures and sun hours decrease we usually modify our habits and routines, which can affect the skin on various levels.

One of the most important changes that take place in the fall is a decrease in daylight hours and sun intensity, which leads to lower levels of vitamin D. This vitamin is actually a hormone that has a prominent role in many of the processes that take place in the body and the skin.

In addition, the combination of sudden temperature changes and sun-damaged skin from the summer means that the skin can lose hydration and tone. Factors such as central heating and frequent hot showers also have adrying effect on the epidermis.

Health and the premature aging of the skin is always the sum of a variety of factors. While you may have heard about vitamin D and hydration loss in the fall, there are also a few other aspects that are important to maintain our skin healthy and radiant.

Panoramic view of a forest in the fall with a lake, mountains and three people hiking.

Lifestyle and Skin Tips for all

Our daily habits change in the fall as days are shorter and our work load tends to be higher. This often negatively affects our social life, time spent outdoors and our nutrition. Over time, this can have an impact on our overall health and therefore also on our skin. We have created a list of lifestyle and skin tips for the fall season that will keep your spirits high and your body and skin in great condition.

1. Spend time outdoors

Even if long summer days are over, that doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors. Make the most of the sunlight hours of the day and plan outdoor activities with your family and friends. Doing sports outdoors or going for daily walks will boost your immune system as well as your mood.

If it’s possible, try to expose more of your skin to the sun by taking off your jacket or sweater. Depending on your geographic location, the synthesis of vitamin D through the skin may be a lot more difficult to achieve in the colder season as the UVB rays are weaker.

But a little of naturally synthesised vitamin D is still beneficial for your skin and keeps the melanocytes working. You may probably need to supplement vitamin D in the winter according to your blood levels and your doctor’s recommendation.

If needed, you can also wear biological sunscreen to protect your skin without giving up the benefits of sunlight. An SPF between 15 and 20 should be enough to avoid skin damage while still allowing vitamin D synthesis.

It is important to know that, on the skin, vitamin D is synthesised from UVB rays. If you love sitting next to a window at home, you should know that only UVA rays penetrate the glass and UVB rays are blocked. So if you can, go outside during the hours with sunshine.

2. Pay attention to nutrition

While in the summer people tend to eat fresh fruits and vegetables —summer fruits like melon or watermelon, for instance, provide you with lots of water—, during the fall we need to pay more attention to the foods we consume.

As we spend more time at home, fruits and vegetables are easily replaced by common snacks such as chips, baked goods, pasta or other ultra-processed carbohydrates and foods. If this change in nutrition comes with a less active lifestyle, the body can experience many changes that will ultimately reflect on the skin.

Coloured drawing of a pumpkin with a leaf and a flower

To reverse this tendency, you can opt for autumnal fruits and vegetables that will provide you with the vitamins and minerals necessary to hydrate, nourish and protect the skin from the inside.

Sweet potatoes, for example, are a good quality carbohydrate and a valuable source of vitamin A, which benefits the immune system. Green beans and carrots also contain vitamin A as well as vitamin K, which improves blood circulation.

To boost vitamin C, you can opt for fruits like tomatoes, pomegranates and apples. Apples are rich in fibre, which is a carbohydrate the human body does not break down but which is essential for good digestion and to feel satiated.

We also recommend eating lean protein. You can go for options like organic chicken and turkey or plant-based foods such as black beans, chickpeas and tofu. Black beans are also very beneficial for the healthy bacteria of the gut, so they can improve digestion.

Don’t forget your daily water intake. The average recommendation is 2 litres per day. Keep in mind that the water in fruits and vegetables also provides your body and skin with hydration.

3. Take care of your emotions

Fall anxiety is more common than you may think; all the external elements that characterise the fall are factors that change our emotional behaviour, which has a direct impact on our health and skin.

Apart from the influence vitamin D has on our thyroid hormones and consequently on our mood, the feeling that the summer and sunny days are over can worsen symptoms like irritability and fatigue. The return to work or studies —which usually comes with an increase in workload and duties— can also cause more stress and, consequently, affect the skin.

A woman in sportswear doing yoga with her eyes closed and her right hand rising to the sky.

As temperatures get colder, we tend to spend less time outside and more time with phones, laptops or watching TV. This usually comes at the cost of meeting people and socialising, which are practices directly linked to our overall well-being.

In this sense, isolation and gloomier moods can also increase bad practices related to nutrition, entering a vicious circle difficult to break. That is why it is highly recommended choosing your habits and how you spend your free time carefully. Exercise, outdoor activities and socialising reduce stress levels and raise serotonin, which prevents low moods and premature aging of the skin.

Now is the time to make our bodies strong and acquire good habits that will help you get through the winter in great shape and spirit.

4. Meditate to look inwards

The autumn season is part of nature’s renovation cycles. Thus, it can be a good moment to look inwards and reconnect with yourself. Meditation or yoga can be highly beneficial for both the body and mind; these practices calm the nervous system and lower stress levels while still activating your body.

A good sleep schedule will also help you keep your energy levels up during the day. Remember that a good night sleep does wonders for your skin’s natural radiance.

All these tips and tricks can improve your habits and boost your skin care for fall. Creating the right routine will help you avoid mistakes that could damage your skin or worsen its condition during this unpredictable and changing season.

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